What is PPSR Search for Vehicles

What is PPSR (Personal Property Security Registration)? It is the official register of a security interest in personal property that is maintained by the Government of Australia. The security interest in personal property is primarily related to areas of debts and other obligations such as personal property being under lien to a financial institution because of debts outstanding against it.

Every year in Australia, there are millions of PPSR searches being carried out. Personal property for PPSR search is related to cars, company assets, boats, cars, used goods, and intellectual property while land and fixtures have been kept outside its purview. Hence, if you carry out a PPSR search vehicle for say a used car, boat, caravan, or motorbike, you will get all its particulars.

A PPSR search vehicle is done through the VIN which is a 17-digit number that is embossed on a vehicle. For instance, the number for cars is on the doorpost on the driver’s side or the dashboard portion nearest to the windscreen. In caravans, it is available on the post of each window or the doorpost at entry.

You will get a lot of very important information about the used vehicle you intend to buy from a PPSR search vehicle. These include where the vehicle was built, the manufacturer, brand, engine size, and type of vehicle, the security code that denotes that it has been authorized by the manufacturer, the model, the year of the vehicle, and which plant manufactured the car. The last six numbers of VIN is the serial number.

From the PPSR search vehicle report, you can know whether you will get value for money on your intended purchase and it will not go waste.   


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